Through the darkness, you see the light brighter. Twenty stories with nightmarish situations, deal with fate, terror, primal evil, phobias and psychoses, dark surrealism, naked human terror, the strange creatures of Greek tradition and the terrible gods and elements of ancient Greece.
Nightmare Stories consists of 20 horror stories across the range. Born from nightmares and from mental and otherworldly states that no one would want to experience, Nightmare Stories introduce us to a wonderfully terrifying dystopia.
Imagination is the mother of reality. Nothing great has ever been created without someone imagining it first. And within the imagination are hidden the greatest truths. These stories tell you their truth, between the lines. The truth of people with a vision for a better literary world. For quality literature, imagination in our lives, and expression that springs from the heart and is artfully filtered by the mind.
Welcome to the magical world of Imaginarium!
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