How is it that from the zenith of happiness, in a fraction of a second, a black veil falls on you, which after difficulty allows you to see?
How does a child who was written off, from his very first breath, a child who the theories said would not be able to speak, walk, understand and stand in elementary school, today be a student at the university?
This book is a diary of eighteen years, describing all the small and steady steps it took to reach the pinnacle of success. A diary describing the angels who stood by Valentina and her mother, with undivided devotion and love. To the mother who was destined to be the lucky one. The lucky one chosen by Him, to fight for every day, for the most "data", for every dot of her child.
To fight giants and Titans and like a modern David to defeat them!
And how come people who only see you for a few hours can dictate your future? A future that only you can determine, defying all predictions, since no one calculated your power.
Strong belief or delusion? Self-fulfilling prophecy or willpower?
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