What if it was, once upon a time, She and He
And if their life - even for a while - seemed like a fairy tale
And if their love became, a tree high in the eyes of the sun
And she watered it, caressed it...
And He carved it, kissed it...
What if we were, me and you, in their place
If there were, an Eve and an Adam
And the same hands stopped loving
The lips stopped kissing
They stopped singing
How long, really, would that Tree of Love last?
A thousand and two birds are crying, crying now...
Mary Samou -
A very beautiful poem with a deep message about love and how we take things for granted in our lives while everything needs effort and care. People's relationships should never be taken for granted. The author manages to convey all of the above to us through an incredible lyricism and a shocking choice of words and phrases. A book that should not be missing from your library.