The book you hold in your hands invites you to take a journey within yourself. A journey of discovery and revelation of inner beauty, peace and justice.
Within you is a substance, energizing and cleansing, that is there to remind you of the way back to truth. To bring you out of oblivion and lift you into your sunlight.
This trip is not for everyone, but it is addressed to everyone who wants to discover the unspeakable and taste the essence of freedom within themselves.
Maybe you will see things that you will not like and you will have to uproot the lies, making room for the celebration inside you.
What is it that undermines your virtues and graces?
Will you find out? will you discover them? or will you let them live at your expense?
Turn your every day into a poem. Bring spring into your life, because a Spring calls you to experience it. Spring in you!
Eleni Finou -
Words are too poor to express the majesty of sounds and images that you experience while reading this book. It is a subversive journey that invites us to bring Spring into our lives and taste the freedom within us. The only condition is to silence the mind and listen with your heart. You took me on a journey, my Sophia! May your message spread throughout the earth!
Antonio Athanasios -
When the title of the book is also its essence, one thing remains to be done. Read it with your heart and share it with other hearts.
This book brings us closer from heart to heart and that is enough to change lives!!!
Silver Kingdom -
Great book! Speak to my heart!